Updated: 25/06/20

Due to the  COVID-19 pandemic and the enthusiastic efforts of Declan Shafi, Castlehill Chess Club on-line opened at the end of March 2020. It was so well received we are looking to keep it as an on-line extension of our OTB club.

We are only in the trial faze running arena events, but we hope by next season to be running other on-line club events. To join us on-line you will need to join/register with the following chess websites:

We have set up a “Castlehill Chess Club” space and we would like you to join us on-line.

For how to join us if you are not sure (it is very easy to do!), we have made guides which hopefully will guide you through the process!

Since Declan Shafi took our chess club on-line, it has been open to all who join for free, even our friends and possible new members. You do not have to be a member of our OTB chess club.

In the future when we hold “official Club Tournaments“, these will only be open to paid members of our OTB chess club. For those who are too far away, or much prefer “on-line chess”, we will be offering a new on-line chess club membership (too be discussed at next AGM), which would allow those with it to take part in “ALL” on-line official club competitions! Those players that are, or take up OTB Club membership will automatically be able to play in all official competitions. including on-line!

This is a work in progress and due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, it will take time to iron out all the details, but regardless;

Castlehill Chess Club online is “HERE TO STAY”!


Why not join our “NEW” on-line chess club and play in our on-line chess tournaments.

Not sure how to? Below hopefully should be a step by step guide to help you get started. It’s easy once you know how!


Lichess free chess website. (Main live chess tournaments every Thurs, 8.05pm)

  1. Join It`s free and easy to register.
  2. Once you are registered on and are signed in, you will need to join Castlehill Chess Club.
  3. To do this, move your pointer over  “Community” button and click the “teams” option that should appear. In the search box type “Castlehill Chess Club” and press enter. The link to our club should now be on the screen. Click the “Castlehill” link and you should be taken to our club page.Alternatively click this link here to take you straight to our chess club.
    (If you have not signed in to, please do so in top right hand corner!)
  4. To join our club, just press the “Join” button” (Think it should be green?). The Administrator will then need to approve you which should not take too long, You have now joined our “On-Line” chess club.
  5. To play in any “live” Castlehill Chess Club tournament, just click any link (email) sent to you by the organiser, or just go to the On-Line chess club (see step 3) on the day and time of tournament and join tournament.
  6. For all other type of tournament events (Swiss), the organiser will send you the details on how to enter and play.

IMPORTANT: Once you have joined, it`s important that you register your handle/on-line name on the excel sheet provided (link below). As a lot of players use totally different names/handles (I know not why! My self, Keith and Robert must be outdated!), it helps others know who they are playing. It will also help when contacting players by email for other events, etc. Just put your full name in first, then your handle/on-line name.




That should be it. Any problems, please contact Declan Shafi, Keith Rose or Ray Noble and we will try and guide you towards the best chess club ever!