EACU 5th FIDE Chess Congress – Open
King Edward VII Memorial Hall, High Street, Newmarket, CB8 8JP
31/05/24 to 02/06/24
Castlehill Chess Club Dundee have been very lucky with the juniors we have produced over the years. Declan Shafi (no longer a junior!) was a special talent and is well established now with a grade of 2293! Rishi Vijayakumar J13, is our latest junior and he already has a grade of 2275!
Both these players took part in a Fide rated congress in Newmarket, which is perfect for a race to the finish, but no horsing around please! This was a 5-furlong Swiss, with a time-control of 40 moves in 90 minutes, then 15 minutes + 15 seconds increments.
Both players took part in the open, with 38 players, 24 of them graded over 2000+!
Congratulations to Rishi Vijayakumar (4th seed) on finishing 1st on 4½ points out of 5! What an outstanding performance by Rishi again! Rishi just gets better and his TPR was 2330!
Declan Shafi (3rd seed) also had an outstanding tournament finishing equal 3rd on 3½ points, with a TPR of 2221. Declan only lost one match to Adam Nawalanieo (2248) from Poland, but Rishi got revenge for Declan by beating Adam in round 5. You don`t put Declan in the corner!
Castlehill Chess Club Dundee is so proud of both players and what they have achieved so far, and what we know they can achieve in the future!
For all the results and standings, click the link below.
Once again congratulations to both players, especially Rishi on winning the tournament!