Club Championship OTB 2023 – 2024

2023-24 Season
Updated: 18/08/24.
STANDINGS (after 5 rounds)

#NameGradeTotal PointsRd 1Rd 2Rd 3Rd 4Rd 5News
1Drabych, Vladyslav1660511111Champion!
2=McLeod, Alisdair1622411110Runner-up
2=Murray, Euan1612411011Runner-up
2=Noble, Ray1432411101Under 1600 winner
5=Rowe, Andy15963.511100.5
5=Milne, Fergus14713.5100.511
5=Rose, Keith14583.510110.5
5=Wardlaw, Tom14403.51100.51
5=Young, Colin14273.510.5101
10=Wan, Kam1586310011
10=Jackson, Robert1575311010
10=Anderson, Jim154630.5010.51
10=Banerjee, Subhayu1479310110
10=Duke, Harvey1309301110
15=Hunter, Matthew15352.510.5100
15=Walton, Ed14732.51010.50
15=Atkins, Graham13022.50100.51
15=Thomas, Gordon12922.50.51010
15=Neave, Stuart2.50.51001
20=Barron-Majerik, Jan1525210001
20=Seijas Otero Belen, Ana137020011
20=Polignano, Francesco1359200110
20=Harley, Trevor133320110
20=Bogs, Moritz11202010.50.5
20=Alijani, Afshin932200110
20=Thomson, Steve20.5100.50
20=Liu, Haoqi200011
28=Lynch, John10431.50.5010
28=Dick, Sean1.50.50001
30=Coleman, Daniel1205101000
30=Moore, Chris110010100
30=Kanodia, Ramit976101000
30=Lambertino, Armando800100010
30=Dickson, Noah30010010
35=Dickson, Josh108200000
35=Carroll, Norrie93800000

UPDATED: 07/06/24 – 16:20 hrs

After 4 rounds we are left with just two players on the full 4 points, so they must meet in round 5 to decide who will be crowned this season`s Castlehill OTB Singles Champion! Yes, Vladyslav Drabych (1660) and Alisdair McLeod (1622) will meet in the ultimate decider.

Let the battle commence!


Still a couple of late results, but have done the usual “Pools Panel” results to get the draw done, and will update results if different, but pairings stay the same!
We have 4 players on the full 3 points, and they meet in round 4! Something has to give! There were no major upsets, but Matthew Hunter J15, beat Kam Wan and Ray Noble (1432), beat Euan Murray (1615)!

The round 4 draw is now up on the website. Match Night/Deadline date is Thurs 23rd May 24.
Remember it`s a busy chess calendar and if you know you can`t make the match night, you need to contact your opponent for an alternative date, which must be before the 23rd May 24!


Round 2 completed, but with a couple of “Pools Panel” results which will be updated after round 3 is completed. We have 7 players on “FULL” points
We had one shock result in round 2, with Stuart Neave (1013) beating James Anderson (1546)!
The round 3 draw is now up on the website. Match Night/Deadline date is Thurs 4th April 24.
Remember it`s a busy chess calendar and if you know you can`t make the match night, you need to contact your opponent for an alternative date, which must be before the 4th April!


Round one completed and for a change, no major shock results! The round two draw is now up on our website and the “MATCH NIGHT” (deadline night) is Thurs 15th Feb 24.
Remember it`s a busy chess calendar and if you know you can`t make the match night, you need to contact your opponent for an alternative date, which must be before the 15th Feb!


The draw for round one is now up on the website. We have 31 players so far, but others can still join in!
1st round match night Thursday 30th November 23, but if you can`t make that, contact your opponent
ASAP to find an alternative date, before the deadline match night!

Good luck!


1Seijas Otero Belen Ana 137000 - 10Drabych Vladyslav 1660
2McLeod Alisdair 162201 - 00Polignano Francesco 1359
3Harley Trevor 133300 - 10Rowe Andy 1596
4Wan Kam 158601 - 00Duke Harvey 1309
5Atkins Graham 130200 - 10Jackson Robert 1575
6Anderson James 15460½ - ½0Thomas Gordon 1292
7Coleman Daniel 120500 - 10Hunter Matthew 1535
8Barron-Majerik Jan 15250W - L0Bogs Moritz 1120
9Moore Chris 110000 - 10Banerjee Subhayu 1479
10Walton Ed 147301 - 00Dickson J13 Josh 1082
11Kanodia J16 Ramit 9760L - W0Milne Fergus 1471
12Rose Keith 145801 - 00Carroll Norrie 938
13Alijani Afshin 93200 - 10Wardlaw Tom 1440
14Noble Ray 143101 - 00Lambertino J11 Armando 800
15Dickson J11 Noah 30000 - 10Young Colin 1427
16Liu, Haoqi00 - 10Murray, Euan 1612


1Drabych Vladyslav 16601W - L1Barron-Majerik Jan 1525
2Banerjee Subhayu 147910 - 11McLeod Alisdair 1622
3Murray Euan 161211 - 01Walton Ed 1473
4Rowe Andy 159611 - 01Milne Fergus 1471
5Wardlaw Tom 144011 - 01Wan Kam 1586
6Jackson Robert 157511 - 01Rose Keith 1458
7Hunter Matthew 15351½ - ½1Young Colin 1427
8Lynch, John 1043½0 - 11Noble, Ray 1432
9Neave Stuart½1 - 0½Anderson James 1546
10Thomas Gordon 1292½1 - 00Seijas Otero Belen Ana 1370
11Polignano Francesco 135900 - 10Kanodia J16 Ramit 976
12Dickson J13 Josh 108200 - 10Harley Trevor 1333
13Duke Harvey 13090W - L0Alijani Afshin 932
14Carroll Norrie 93800 - 10Atkins Graham 1302
15Lambertino J11 Armando 80000 - 10Coleman Daniel 1205
16Thomson, Steve1 - 0Dick, Sean
17Bogs Moritz 112001 - 00Dickson J11 Noah 300
18Liu Haoqi00 - 10Moore Chris 1100


1Jackson Robert 157520 - 12Drabych Vladyslav 1660
2McLeod Alisdair 162221 - 02Wardlaw Tom 1440
3Murray Euan 161220 - 12Noble Ray 1431
4Rowe Andy 159621 - 0Neave Stuart
5Young Colin 14271 - 0Thomas Gordon 1292
6Wan Kam 158610 - 1Hunter Matthew 1535
7Barron-Majerik Jan 152510 - 11Duke Harvey 1309
8Atkins Graham 130210 - 11Banerjee Subhayu 1479
9Walton Ed 147311 - 01Coleman Daniel 1205
10Milne Fergus 14711½ - ½1Bogs Moritz 1120
11Rose Keith 145811 - 01Moore Chris 1100
12Harley Trevor 133311 -- 01Kanodia J16 Ramit 976
13Anderson James 1546½1 - 0½Thomson steve
14Dick Sean½L - W0Polignano Francesco 1359
15Seijas Otero Belen Ana 137001 - 00Lambertino J11 Armando 800
16Alijani Afshin 93201 - 00Dickson J13 Josh 1082
17Dickson J11 Noah 30001 - 00Carroll Norrie 938
18Lynch, John01 - 00Liu Haoqi


1Drabych Vladyslav 166031 - 03Rowe Andy 1596
2Noble Ray 143130 - 13McLeod Alisdair 1622
3Hunter Matthew 15350 - 12Murray Euan 1612
4Young Colin 14270 - 12Jackson Robert 1575
5Rose Keith 145821 - 02Barron-Majerik Jan 1525
6Banerjee Subhayu 147921 - 02Harley Trevor 1333
7Wardlaw Tom 14402½ - ½2Walton Ed 1473
8Bogs Moritz 1120½ - ½Anderson James 1546
9Milne Fergus 14711 - 0Lynch John 1043
10Thomas Gordon 12921 - 0Neave Stuart
11Moore Chris 110010 - 11Wan Kam 1586
12Kanodia J16 Ramit 9761L - W1Seijas Otero Belen Ana 1370
13Dick Sean10 - 11Polignano Francesco 1359
14Duke Harvey 130911 - 01Dickson J11 Noah 300
15Thomson steve1½ - ½1Atkins Graham 1302
16Coleman Daniel 12051L - W1Alijani Afshin 932
17Dickson J13 Josh 108200 - 10Lambertino J11 Armando 800
18Carroll Norrie 93800 - 10Liu Haoqi


1McLeod Alisdair 162240 - 14Drabych Vladyslav 1660
2Murray Euan 161231 - 03Banerjee Subhayu 1479
3Rowe Andy 15963½ - ½3Rose Keith 1458
4Jackson Robert 157530 - 13Noble Ray 1431
5Wardlaw Tom 14401 - 0Hunter Matthew 1535
6Walton Ed 14730 - 1Young Colin 1427
7Thomas Gordon 12920 - 1Milne Fergus 1471
8Polignano Francesco 135920 - 12Wan Kam 1586
9Anderson James 15462W - L2Duke Harvey 1309
10Barron-Majerik Jan 152521 - 02Alijani Afshin 932
11Seijas Otero Belen Ana 13702TBC2Bogs Moritz 1120
12Harley Trevor 13332TBCLynch John 1043
13Neave Stuart1 - 02Thomson steve
14Coleman Daniel 120510 - 1Atkins Graham 1302
15Dickson J11 Noah 3001TBC1Moore Chris 1100
16Liu Haoqi1W - L1Kanodia J16 Ramit 976
17Lambertino J11 Armando 80010 - 11Dick Sean
18Carroll Norrie 9380TBC0Dickson J13 Josh 1082



  1. Participation in this event therefore means acceptance of the Club Constitution, General rules (see relevant documents) and competition rules herein.
  2. FIDE rules of chess apply except were amended herein by Castlehill Chess Club.
  3. All matches will be played on a “CLUB NIGHT” on club premises, unless permission is granted by the competition organiser to play another night and place.


  1. All players must be paid up members of the club. The committee and competition organiser can grant an exception to this rule under certain circumstances (Example: new member joining late in the season?).


  1. Each player shall have a grading, using the following order below:
  2. a) Chess Scotland published standard grading; b) Chess Scotland live grading; c) Chess Scotland published allegro grading; d) Chess Scotland live allegro grading; e) Another national association or FIDE grading, accordingly converted; f) Estimated grading given by the Internal competition organiser.
  3. All games results played will be sent for grading to Chess Scotland.


  1. The closing date for entries will be set by the competition organiser and these will be displayed on our website.
  2. Players can enter during the competition at any time.
  3. The OTB Championship will be a 5 round Swiss event using either a computer pairing program or by hand using Swiss pairing rules.
  4. The draw will be made by the competition organiser and emailed to all players; published on our website and on the club notice board (if one has one!). In all rounds the first player named has white.
  5. All matches will be a fixed a date by default (Club Championship night). The match shall be played on this date unless prior agreement by the internal competition organiser.
  6. Any matches not played by the deadline will be defaulted by the offending player or players, unless an extension is granted by the competition organiser. If a player defaults for a second time they shall be withdrawn from competition and a report will be sent to the committee for possible further action if required.
  7. When the draw is published, “BOTH PLAYERS” must make a serious attempt to contact their opponent or risk defaulting the match. In the event of any problems, players must contact the competition organiser.


  1. The scoring shall be: Win = 1 point; Draw = ½ point; Loss = Zero points.


  1. Any player may request a ½ point bye in the first 4 rounds only.


  1. Time-Control used is 90 minutes each player (only one time control).
  2. Matches should start at 7:30pm, unless both players have agreed a different time (venue time limits permitting). In the event of an opponent not being present, clocks “MUST” be started 15 minutes after 7:30pm or the agreed start time.
  3. If a player is still not present after 30 minutes have passed on their clock, they will be defaulted unless their opponent and internal competition organiser are happy to reschedule (time permitting!).


  1. Players will be placed in highest point’s order, with the player(s) with the most points after the 5 rounds becoming champion(s).


  1. No tie-breaks in club championship (see trophies).


  1. Club Champion, Runner-up and Under 1600.
  2. Players can only win one trophy, and will be awarded the most prestigious title (you cannot be Club Champion & Under 1600 winner, etc).


The competition organiser and/or committee may make amendments deemed appropriate to ensure the smooth running of the tournament.